Fleshlight STU Review — Stamina Unit Extraordinaire

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Fleshlight STU, also known as the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit is a male masturbator purported to leave you spellbound. The claim is that the Fleshlight STU is so intense, training i.e. masturbating with it will prepare you to last longer during actual intercourse. Now that’s a very tall claim and a subtle way of saying that the STU is more intense than sex! This Fleshlight STU review will see just how pleasurable this Stamina Training Unit is.

Fleshlight STU Review — Pros And Cons


  • Super intense feeling
  • Very pleasurable
  • Designed to intensify orgasms
  • SuperSkin material feels great
  • Non-toxic, phthalate-free material


  • The product is not discreet
  • Tough to clean
  • Expensive

Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit Features

Fleshlight STU Review — Stamina Training Unit profile

Fleshlight STU Design And Aesthetics

Let’s start with the look of the unit. Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit does not care much about being discreet. The sleeve is golden, with “Fleshlight” emblazoned on its side. For a brand name that’s a play on the word flashlight, there isn’t much likeness that would allow the STU to pass as a flashlight. If you don’t care about who sees it in your home, there isn’t much to worry about. The package it arrives in is discreet enough,

The top of the Fleshlight STU is slightly raised and has a “realistic” looking cushiony vulva. That’s the point of entry for the penis. Depending on your preference, that might make this product more desirable or make it feel tacky and weird. That’s purely a question for preference and you’re the best judge for that.

Fleshlight STU Construction And Cleaning

Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit is made from the company’s well-known SuperSkin material. It has a great feel and is versatile. It is also a pain to clean. You can only use water to clean it and make sure it is completely dry before you store it. The tube-like construction obviously doesn’t lend itself so easily to cleaning with a water rinse, and drying is difficult as well.

Unlike the Tenga Flip Hole which splits for quicker drying, the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit generally retains its shape and can take far longer to dry up. If you put it back in its case before the unit dries completely, it can get moldy. Your best bet is to wait it out and ensure that the Fleshlight STU is dry before you think of storing it.

As for texture, the Fleshlight STU has one of the mildest, even seemingly unimaginative textures in the Fleshlight range. It is lined with soft, spherical bubbles that are a remarkable departure from the usual array of interesting textures. Don’t underestimate that simplistic texture! The Fleshlight STU makes it work, and makes it work well.

Fleshlight STU Review — Using The Masturbator


Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit claims super-intense sensations that can (eventually) help you last longer during PIV sex (penis in vagina). It only makes sense that some part of this Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit Review consider that claim. As soon as you penetrate the Fleshlight STU, you will feel the thrill of its super-intense sensations. The texture actually works great. Oh, and remember to lube it up with some water-based lubricant first. Since water-based lubricant dries up pretty quickly, it would be wise to keep it within reach so you can add more lubricant as necessary.

Given the naming, some people make presumptions about the Fleshlight STU. Some might believe it is intended for people with performance issues in the bedroom, or for those new to using masturbators. Neither of them is true. The Fleshlight STU is a powerful unit and a masturbator that you should enjoy without prejudice.

Starting With The Fleshlight STU

When using a masturbator, one looks forward to all those ridges and varied textures. On the other hand, all that the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit offers is a series of spheres. Turns out, the spheres can make it work! As soon as you penetrate, the spheres start feeling great. The design makes them massage the tip of the penis, as well as just below the head. Plus, the pressure at the base makes it feel more like the “real” thing.

Perhaps the most interesting part of this Fleshlight is that it feels great for the up (or out) stroke, as well as the down stroke. It’s pleasure and sensations all around. Generally, the out stroke does not get as much sensation in most textures. The Fleshlight is relentless in delivering pleasure at every point of the stroke. Which is perhaps what makes it so awesome, and very likely to make even seasoned veterans orgasm quickly. Of course, that is assuming that the person isn’t suffering from death grip issues.

The marketing story is that using the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit for 5 minutes can train you to last 10 minutes in bed. That is perhaps questionable, and the Fleshlight STU is no different from other masturbators in any sort of “training”. In any case, if you are looking for an amazing masturbator, this one pretty much has you covered.

Fleshlight STU Review — Conclusion

Let’s head straight to the verdict of our Fleshlight STU Review; this is a masturbator you will enjoy. It lacks the series of ridges and twists that most male masturbators highlight, but the texture of the Fleshlight STU is no less pleasurable than any other. This masturbator pretty much lives up the hype that has been built around it, and I guess that hype comes from the Unit actually being worth the praise.

Emma Bennet
About Emma Bennet

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