How To Make A Pocket Pussy — Homemade Male Masturbators is reader supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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Men’s sex toys or male masturbators are gaining popularity. It’s not just Fleshlights and Tenga products, and the niche is seeing a whole lot of new products. For a long time, it was just the hand, and maybe some lotion or lubricant.

Now that male masturbation products are getting the limelight, men want to give the “new feel” a shot. Buying a good quality male masturbator should be your first choice. In case that is not possible, and you would rather not use your hand to masturbate, knowing how to make a pocket pussy could come in quite handy.

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Things To Know For Making A Homemade Fleshlight

What Is A Pocket Pussy?

A pocket pussy is a generic term for an artificial vagina. It can also represent another orifice, or just be a cavity with the primary use of being an object for men to masturbate with. The names may vary, so might the brands, but the product and its object remain the same. A pocket pussy is a male masturbator, and that remains its primary purpose.

Pocket Pussy And Pleasure

The simplest scenario for using a pocket pussy is pleasure. As a male masturbation device, it can add to pleasure and sensations. Many men also use them as ways to practice and to help them last longer during sex. Many male masturbators cater to this specific set, like the Fleshlight STU, which promises to help increase the time you can last before orgasming. Another important consideration is that these contraptions can help reduce the risk of death grip, i.e. reduced sensitivity of the penis due to masturbation.

Buy Or DIY Pocket Pussy?

Buy. A real Fleshlight is much better than a homemade Fleshlight. They’re made from good materials and carefully crafted to avoid risk to the user. Commercial products are crafted with careful consideration and have the skill of professionals in their design. Even a good craftsman would find that hard to beat.

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However, there can be reasons that make a DIY pocket pussy a necessity for you. Maybe money is a problem, or social/religious restrictions make it impossible for you to buy a commercial male masturbator. Knowing how to make a pocket pussy can come in useful in these scenarios. Keep in mind, a homemade pocket pussy is unlikely to be as good in construction as compared to established brands. Its construction will also depend on your personal skill. That’s important to remember not just for the sake of your pleasure, but also for your health and safety.

Always Use A Lubricant

Lubrication is extremely important, especially for the DIY pocket pussy. An artificial vagina obviously won’t produce natural lubrication. Plus, even if you have remarkable crafting skills, the self-constructed pocket pussy isn’t going to be all that pleasurable and smooth. Generally speaking, the materials employed in constructing a pocket pussy can benefit from a good dose of lubrication.

A Note

We’re about to start with some DIY pocket pussy styles. I think this is a good time to remind you to use your best judgment and put safety first when trying out these products. As you can guess, these are not approved by any agency for safety. Most of these are tricks other people have used to create their version of a homemade fleshlight.

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5 Methods To Make A Pocket Pussy

1. The Sock Masturbator

A lot of dudes have an orgasmic relation with their socks, so perhaps it’s appropriate to start our DIY Pucket Pussy set with a sock-based male masturbator. Here’s what you need for this DIY pocket pussy:

  • Three pairs of long sport socks (ankle socks will be too short)
  • Latex glove or (oversized) condom
  • Elastic bands to hold things together

Place two pairs of socks on a table. Fold them from the toes so you’re not exactly doubling them, but they’re neatly folded. Now, place the glove (or condom) over one pair of socks in a way that about 1-2 inches of the glove’s cuff or the condom’s opening are placed outside the socks. Place the other pair of socks on top of this set.

Now, fold the cuff of the glove over both pairs of socks. This forms a good grip over both pairs of the socks – so far, it’s like a glove sandwich! Now use each sock from the third pair to cover this contraption from its sides, without disturbing the opening on the glove. Use rubber bands to secure the setup. Voila! Your sock masturbator DIY pocket pussy is ready.

2. The Towel Pocket Pussy

You’ll see that many DIY pocket pussies follow the same general path, though the materials used can indeed change the feel and the fun. To create the towel pocket pussy, you’ll need the following:

  • A hand towel
  • A glove/condom
  • Elastic bands/ rubber bands

Fold the hand towel twice, so it is about a quarter of its area. Now place the latex glove on the towel with the cuff hanging off. Fold your towel around this glove to get things right. The folding is going to need some skill and even experience, so you don’t fold the towel too tight or loose.

Once you’ve folded the towel, simply use the cuff of the glove to hold it in place. You can secure the contraption with elastic bands to make sure things stay at their desired positions.

3. Toilet Paper Roll Masturbator

Ingenuity in finding the materials will decide how awesome your DIY pocket pussy feels. For this masturbator, you’ll need:

  • A toilet paper roll
  • Hand glove
  • Elastic/rubber bands

The construction for this masturbator is fairly simple. Remove the cardboard tube from the roll, and replace it with the glove. Use the cuffs of the glove to cover the surface of the toilet paper, and secure it all with elastic bands. The quality of the toilet paper you use will reflect on the texture the penis feels, so choose wisely!

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4. Cucumber Pocket Pussy

For the sake of variety, let’s consider a cucumber pocket pussy. For this DIY project, you’ll need:

  • A cucumber
  • Knife
  • Rubber bands
  • Condom

Start by choosing a cucumber that can easily cover the girth/circumference of your penis. Remove an end of the cucumber with a knife, and then cut it halfway along its length. Remove seeds from both sides of the cucumber.

As the next step, chisel away at the cucumber until you see it has a snug fit around your penis. Once you’ve got the right fit, secure it with rubber bands or duct tape. You may want to use a condom for more convenient use of lube, and if you’d like to avoid direct contact with a cool cucumber.

5. Pringles Can Pocket Pussy

This should get some points for reuse and recycling! Here’s what you need:

  • Empty tube of Pringles
  • Two household sponges
  • Knife
  • Tape
  • Latex glove

Remove the lid, and then get to work with duct tape to cover any edge that you think can be remotely troublesome. It’s better to be careful rather than sorry. Use the sponges for texture, which means you’ll place the latex glove between two sponges. Next, push this glove sandwich inside the Pringles tube.

Again, use the cuff of the glove to get a better hold over the sponges. Now use the glove’s cuff to get a good hold over the sponges, as well as the Pringles can. Use rubber bands and tape to ensure that the glove remains fixed to its position.

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How To Make A Pocket Pussy — Concluding Remarks

Ingenuity, your imagination, crafting skills, and your ability to make things right will go a long way in making a pocket pussy that works for you. Since this is a DIY project, be very careful and ensure you don’t run any risk of injury. Don’t let anything stifle your experimentation or your desire for fun! Feel free to experiment with textures until you get one that works right for you. Learning how to make a pocket pussy should also make you comfortable enough to experiment a bit for the sake of the right texture.

Emma Bennet
About Emma Bennet

Hey! Welcome to My goal is to review and rank the top vibrators and sex toys available on the market. That way you can make informed decisions when the time comes for you to choose a safe and enjoyable product.