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Your time in bed can get hotter with some sexy dirty talk. It’s hot and it can actually help you develop more intimacy in your relationship. The added benefits of talking dirty are that it can lower performance anxiety for both of you, and increase sexual self-confidence. Who knew knowing how to talk freaky could work so well!

What Are The Benefits Of Sexy Dirty Talk?

Sexy Dirty Talk — Everything You Should Know

Build Up On Sexual Tension

Many people think sexual talk is limited to just the bedroom. That’s not true. Dirty talk does not have to be reserved for when you’re having sex, but can be used at any (appropriate) time to drop hints for your partner. It can even goad him and you on to looking forward to some sexy times later in the night.

Building sexual tension is quite an aphrodisiac. You’ll find yourself turned on and ready for some hot action. Imagine, just a few words can spice up your sex life. No dead bedroom for you. By the time you’re in the bedroom, you’ll both be raring to go!

Keeps Him Thinking About You

Dropping a few provocative phrases through the day has him thinking of the prize you have in store for him. He’ll be anticipating he can hold you and have a great time. The reverse is also true; if your partner is proficient in dirty talk phrases, you’ll find yourself all fired up for the night.

You don’t have to go overboard with the dirty talk. It’s as easy as using simple, suggestive phrases. While you know what works best for you and your partner, here are a few you could try:

I can’t stop thinking about how great last night was. Let’s do it again tonight!

I want you inside me. All the way in.

Your dick feels amazing inside me.

If you aren’t face-to-face, you could call him. Or better still, text. There is an angle of imagination to texting that gets everyone fired up for more. Plus, if you’ve got time, sexting really is amazing. Here are some dirty talking text messages for him examples you can employ.

I love how you taste. Can’t wait for the evening to get that taste again.

I miss you. And your cock.

I never thought someone could make me so aroused. Then I met you.

Well, you get the point. Be suggestive, be hot, and don’t be afraid to get your point across.

Makes Sex More Intense

While you have dirty talks outside the bedroom, words you say while having sex are what really clinches the matter. Throw around compliments, goad him, challenge him, do whatever works best for you. A bit of sexy banter between the couple feels amazing, believe me. So don’t be afraid to talk dirty, or laugh even as you have sex. Some simple phrases you can use for dirty talk while having sex are:

You feel incredible.

Don’t stop. I’m loving this too much.

I love how your cock feels inside me.

Sexy Dirty Talk For Beginners — How To Get Started

Start Small

If you’ve been relatively quiet in the bedroom up until now, don’t start with pornstar sound effects right off the bat. It’s a mistake several people make, and that phony imitation voice isn’t going to be much of a turn on for your partner, or for you. Don’t start with something that’s too “out there” or unexpected from you. Even a few well-timed sighs and “Yessss” will do if you’ve been very quiet.

Begin In The Bedroom

Sex is practically the best time for losing your dirty talk virginity. It’s easy and natural to introduce the topic while having sex, and won’t feel very out of the ordinary. There’s a good chance you will both enjoy it, and get ready to take things to the next level.

Initiate The Sexy Dirty Talk

Much like initiating sex, the initiation of dirty sexy talk should be a responsibility divided between partners. It’s unhealthy to expect one person to always be the initiator, and that threatens to slowly turn into a burden. Don’t be afraid to be the one to initiate. And if you find he’s backing down, encourage your partner to be the initiator as well.

You can start with something as simple as “that feels so good”, and encourage him to take over the horny talk. If you’re both comfortable with the dirty talk, go ahead and make it as provocative as you like.

Try To Stay Relevant To the Situation

Stay relevant to the situation or moment you’re in. Saying what you’re feeling in the moment will feel far more natural, and have better results. Plus, you won’t be making stuff up as you go along — you want to stay focused on having sex and enjoying it, not on racking your brain and trying to find things you can say.

Tailor It To Your And Your Partner’s Taste

When you talk dirty, stay with things that you are comfortable to say and hear. The same goes for your partner. Once you’ve initiated the sexy dirty talk, it may be a good idea to have a conversation about what topics or phrases are off-limits. You could both also introduce your own fetishes and fantasies to get the most out of the experience. Again, if you are doing fantasies and fetishes, stay true to what you’re both comfortable with.

Similarly, if you know the tastes of your partner well, you can drop phrases that will elicit a response out of him. For example, some people might prefer staying subtle, while others might prefer a direct, or even an outrageous approach. Your flavor is up to you!

Finetune It

These are suggestions, but what really works in your bedroom and in your love-life is entirely how you see things. Experiment, and finetune these suggestions to reach what works best with you. I’ve said it many times. Experimentation and trying out new things is an excellent way to keep your sex life exciting and wonderful. Try not to get predictable or worse, stuck in a routine.

Sexy Dirty Talk — Last Word

Have fun talking dirty to your hot, sexy boy. It might take some confidence and extra encouragement to start, but once you do, you might very well enjoy it. Let’s face it, sexy dirty talk is fun, and who better to share in those intimate feelings and words than your partner?

Any sexy dirty talk ideas to, please share here by leaving a comment below.

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Emma Bennet
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