Doxy Vibrator Review — The Hitachi Competitor is reader supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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Doxy Vibrator is built for power. It has a nice backstory of necessity leading to invention, which gives it some extra brownie points. Long story short, as Hitachi pulled the plug on the Hitachi Magic Wand, the UK was left without any suitable alternative. Creation of the Doxy Massager filled that void. To some degree, that also explains why so much marketing effort for the Doxy Vibrator is focused around the Hitachi. Let’s see how good it really is with this Doxy Vibrator Review.

Doxy Vibrator Review — Pros And Cons

Doxy Vibrator Review — The Doxy Massager


  • Powerful
  • Multiple speed settings
  • Easy to manage controls
  • Deep vibrations


  • Corded — needs power supply from the mains
  • Its head is made from PVC, which can be porous
  • Large and bulky

Doxy Massager Features

Packaging Of The Doxy Vibrator

The Doxy comes in a rather simple and sturdy box. And it’s a huge box, I mean that thing is 18 or 19-inches in length. Inside the box, you’ll find the Doxy Vibrator and its power cord, and an instruction manual. For the price of the Doxy Massager, I’d have expected something more – even a carry bag would have been useful.

Design, Construction, And Aesthetics

As the Doxy vibrator is focused on, and inspired by, the Hitachi Magic Wand, its general appearance does take a few cues from its inspiration. That’s not to say that the Doxy is a copy, it has a distinct look of its own, and honestly, there aren’t that many ways to build a wand vibrator.

In terms of the absolute dimensions, the Doxy Massager is about 13-inches in length and weighs more than a pound (516 grams). Its body is made from ABS plastic with three large, comfortably placed buttons for controls. The body ends with a metallic rim, from where a slightly flexible shaft continues on to the soft and squishy head.

Doxy says that the head is made from medical-grade PVC, and is non-porous and body-safe. I would have much preferred that the head be made from a better material, like high-quality silicone. I just can’t come to accept PVC as being both lasting, and non-porous. I’m going to recommend that you slap on a silicone attachment on the head when using the Doxy Vibrator.

To deal with its generous power and vibrations, Doxy Massager needs to be connected to a power outlet. This thing claims to be capable of 9000 rpm at max power, and no battery is going to handle that for long. The included wire is almost 9-feet long, making it convenient enough for use and allowing some freedom — well, as much freedom as being tethered to an outlet can offer. Doxy Vibrator is available in four colors; black, pink, purple, and white.

Doxy Massager Power And Controls

Doxy Vibrator Review — Height Profile

A big part of the Doxy Wand marketing pitch is the sheer power it can put forth. According to the manufacturer, the Doxy Vibrator has 30% more power than the Hitachi Magic Wand. It also has a noticeably higher max rpm at 9000, as compared to the 6000 rpm the Magic Wand Original has at its highest power.

Let’s be clear here, raw power output and rpm don’t necessarily make a better wand. It’s how you handle those vibrations and power that makes all the difference. Deep, rumbly vibrations are amazing. A high-powered wand head beating against the clitoris is as painful as that sounds. So we’ll keep that power output stuff in a box for now.

One thing the Doxy Wand Vibrator does unquestionably right is the controls. The buttons are large, well-spaced, and easy to access and press. There are three buttons on the Doxy, one for switching the wand on/off, and two to increase and decrease the intensity of vibrations. It also has a pattern setting that activates when you keep the power button pressed for a few settings. The intensity of pattern vibrations can be controlled with the +/- buttons.

As what is probably a side-effect of all that power, the wand starts to heat up after about 15 minutes of use. While the warm-sensation is initially pleasant, it is very likely to decrease the life of the vibrator head as well as the massager itself. The PVC head very likely cannot handle the heat beyond a few minutes and risks deterioration. I wouldn’t recommend using it for long once you feel the Doxy Massager starting to heat up.

Cleaning Your Doxy Vibrator

The Doxy Vibrator is not waterproof or water-resistant, so don’t let it go anywhere near water when you’re cleaning the vibrator. It’s better to use a cleaning spray or a mild solution to clean the Doxy Wand’s head. Although squishy, the head has a plain texture, which makes it fairly convenient to clean.

The Doxy Vibrator In Use

For a wand vibrator as strong as the Doxy, I’ll recommend you start with it at its lowest power setting. This is one vibrator where the lowest setting is actually fruitful, even for power queens. At its lowest power, the Doxy Vibrator puts forth what are undeniably deep, powerful vibrations that will let loose waves of pleasure on the clitoris. There’s a very good chance that the lowest power setting is all you need.

At its lowest setting, the Doxy Vibrator moves at 3000 rpm. That isn’t that low of a power setting, so avoid starting straight with your intimate parts and work your way to them. As you go to higher power settings, the vibrations continue to be deep, rumbly, and yes, pleasurable. This wand vibrator will make you love it.

I think the Doxy Wand Vibrator has a sweet spot, not just in terms of the best setting for orgasms, but also at how high-powered you can go before it becomes bothersome. It seems the higher the wand goes with power settings, the more concerned it becomes with its rpm rather than keeping its vibrations deep and rumbly. The threshold is obviously different for everyone, but once you hit it, you’ll find the vibrations giving up on being rumbly, and turning into a more superficial and itchy sensation.

Thankfully, that’s more of a rarity and most users can stay on at power options that continue to be deep, rumbly, and orgasmic. Yes, the doxy vibrator will bring you to gratuitous clitoral orgasms, and even back to back orgasms if you want to go that way. Overall, it’s an excellent toy.

Lubricants To Use With The Doxy Massager

Don’t forget to use lube with this sex toy. Doxy recommends water-based or silicone-based lubricants and discourages oil-based lubricants as potentially harmful for the vibrator head. If you are using a silicone attachment on top of the Doxy Vibrator’s head, use water-based lubricants. If no attachments are involved, using a silicone-based lubricant is the way to go. Keep in mind, this powerful beast will beat out the lubricant, so keep the lubricant within reach, especially if you are using a water-based lubricant.

Doxy Vs Hitachi

When Doxy spends so much time comparing the Doxy Vibrator to the Hitachi Magic Wand, it is impossible not to consider a matchup. The Doxy Massager has a longer cord and a better design working in its favor. As for power delivered, well, that part’s a bit muddy. Though Doxy claims to offer 30% more power than the Hitachi, it doesn’t quite seem to be as pronounced or even clearly distinguishable. For me, it is impossible to say with certainty that the Doxy Vibrator is more powerful than the Hitachi.

One part where the Doxy massager certainly performs better is the noise. While the Hitachi is loud and unabashed with its whirring sounds, the Doxy keeps its sound low and controlled. You can expect to muffle the sounds of the Doxy from leaving the room simply by throwing a blanket on top.

Its drawback compared to the Hitachi is that the Magic Wand is very well priced and offers great value for money. At the price point of the Doxy Massager, it becomes viable to also consider the (more expensive) Lelo Smart Wand Large, which is fairly powerful in its own right and uses a better material for its exteriors in the form of high-quality silicone.

In terms of simple wand massagers, everything the Hitachi can do, the Doxy can do as well. Whether either is better is more of a personal choice.

Doxy Vibrator Review — Conclusion

Having gone full rounds with the Doxy Vibrator review, it’s time to wind up with the final word. Overall, the Doxy Vibrator does not disappoint. It’s a good, high-quality and powerful vibrator that lives up to its job. It is powerful, has deep and rumbly vibrations, and is made from quality materials.

Emma Bennet
About Emma Bennet

Hey! Welcome to My goal is to review and rank the top vibrators and sex toys available on the market. That way you can make informed decisions when the time comes for you to choose a safe and enjoyable product.